
"This is a great site -this program is helping our employees in a difficult economy."

- Danny, CEO

"The employee discounts on the restaurant certificates are totally awesome. Gave a few as birthday and going away gifts. HUGE HIT - LOVE IT."

- Stefanie, Employee

"Next Jump continues to impress. So many improvements in such a short time - thanks for building a great benefit."

- Maureen, Director of Benefits

"I was looking for a deal on my vacation to Orlando this summer and found a fantastic deal for Delta through Marketplace. Nearly two weeks later the prices nearly doubled. Thank you for not letting me miss this deal."

- Sandra, Employee

"I have had the pleasure of working with Next Jump on our employee savings program, Morgan Stanley Company Store. The employees are so engaged in this program."

- Cynthia, VP Human Resources

"Thank you for your guidance. I appreciate the partnership with Next Jump - you've been awesome."

- Michael, Executive Director of HR